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Transparent cover color method

Date:2013-01-29 15:13

That plus white and just toning oil diluted pigment multi-level depicted. Must be conducted after each layer dry under a layer of color, the color of each layer is thinner, lower color can vaguely revealed subtle changes in hue, the color of the top of the formation. For example, in the crimson color layer coated cover sedate blue will produce rich effects transparent purple blue apartment warm in the cold, which often can not bring up the hue palette. The texture of this painting images suitable for performance and solid sense, especially vividly depict the delicate skin color changes in character, very flowing with blood in the skin below the epidermis. Its disadvantage is narrower color gamut, making the process work fine, and the completion of the works a long time, is not easy to express the emotion of the painter's artistic creation instant.

TypeInfo: Industry News

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